Late Gеnеrаl Chukwuеmеkа Odumеgwu-Ojukwu Nigerian-born military leader, Igbо nаtіоnаlіѕt, роlіtісіаn Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (bоrn 1933) hеаdеd thе unѕuссеѕѕful mоvе bу...
Read moreThe Avro Lancaster heavy bomber was the most successful bomber of World War Two. It was built by Avro for...
Read moreThe Casablanca Conference codenamed 'symbol' was a ten day meeting between Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt to discuss strategies for...
Read moreAdolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889. As a child he got on very well with his mother but...
Read moreThe battle of Guadalcanal was a decisive battle of the Pacific war fought between the forces of the United States,...
Read moreSingapore had become a British province following the signing of the Anglo-Dutch treaty of 1824. Singapore grew and became a...
Read moreAt 10pm on 27th February 1933 the Berlin Fire Department received a call that the Reichstag building was on fire....
Read moreUnder the terms of the Treaty of Versailles 1919 Germany was not allowed to have any military force, building or...
Read moreBy 1938, Hitler felt strong enough to plan a union or Anschluss with Austria. This was part of his aim...
Read moreOperation Market Garden was an allied plan to advance into the Netherlands and secure bridges that would enable them to...
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