John Jay was born on 12th December, 1745 and died on 17th May, 1829. He was a lawyer and New York state representative. He would become one of the most important founders of our Country and worked in many official posts of government. He also served as second governor of New York. He was appointed the first chief justice of the Supreme Court by George Washington. He worked hard in his life and contributed to the success and development of the nation through his abilities, skills and knowledge. He became a strong advocate of the Constitution.
John Jay wrote the controversial jay’s Treaty that allowed British ships to inspect American ships suspected of carrying supplies to France, Britain’s enemy. He contributed five essays to the Federalist Papers, which called for the approval of the Constitution.
During a riot in New York in 1788 John Jay met with an accident. That so severe accident, a brick hit the head of John Jay. That was very serious injury, his forehead was seriously damaged. It is said that his forehead got two holes due to the hitting of brick on his head. That very serious injury took John Jay a lot of time to recovery.
John Jay quotes with explanations
John Jay was a successful and hard working person and he also shared many quotes to guide others so that they can work hard and choose the right path in life in order to get success and progress with the passage of time.
Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good will and kind conduct more speedily changed.
This is a quote from John Jay in which he says that trust is very important in life. If a person is not trusting on another person then the situation of distrust will occur. Due to distrust it is not possible to think positive and work in a positive manner. When a person is not trusting on another person then he is not able to show kindness to him.
He will distrust others and his actions will go in the wrong manner. Trust is important in life and humans have to trust on each other in order to live a normal life. Humans are depending on each other in routine life. Humans have to trust on others in order to get the routine tasks done.
This is the style of life and humans have to work together for completion of different types of tasks. Trust is very important for working and completion of tasks. With trust on each other it is possible to get a lot of success and progress with peace of mind and kindness and such actions will make the society a better place for living.
Among the many objects to which a wise and free people find it necessary to direct their attention, that of providing for their safety seems to be the first.
This is another quote from John Jay in which he says that safety is very important for humans. Humans have to perform many types of tasks in routine life. It is important to give importance to safety as if humans are safe in doing any task then they are able to focus on the task.
Safety includes the security of life and working conditions must be safe to make sure that no harmful effects could be obtained. There are many tasks in which humans are not taking care of their safety and they take risks for their body and life due to which they get injuries and damages to their bodies which are not repaired for life.
John Jay is not in favor of such tasks and he says that wise people are those who give importance to safety first in every type of task which they do in routine life. You must take good care of yourself and your safety so that you can remain able to work well in any field of life.