King Henry VII was born on January 28, 1457. His place of birth was in Pembroke Castle in Wales. He died on April 21, 1509 in Richmond Palace. At the time of his birth, his mother was thirteen years old and his father died before his birth.
His father was Earl of Richmond due to which he was also given the title of Earl of Richmond. That was the time of fighting among different rulers at that place and one person used to fight with other person for the sake of power and rule.
Childhood of King Henry VII was filled with troubles and dangers. In 1462, he has to leave his mother and started to work at professional level. Henry VI got power in 1470 but due to certain issues and problems he was murdered after some months.
That time was critical in life of King Henry VII and his life was in danger. His uncle wanted to protect him from issues therefore he decided to take King Henry VII to Brittany so that he can remain safe from troubles.
King Henry VII got support from his allies in France, Wales and Scotland and prepared for battle with King Richard III. That was the famous Battle of Bosworth field which was fought in 1485 and in this battle King Henry VII defeated his enemies and got power.
After finishing the enemies he declared himself as king. From that time his reign started which continued till his death in 1509. He made different types of policies during his kingdom and got a lot of wealth for the whole nation.
Main problems
When King Henry VII got kingdom then there were many types of problems which were to be solved. Main problems were that there were many groups and they had their armies and soldiers who were residing in the kingdom. At the time of battle these groups were working in a neutral manner and they were only supporting those families who were paying them well.
King Henry VII had to control these groups to make sure that they can work for the nation and all types of threats from them could be removed. King Henry VII also got married with Elizabeth of York. This was also done to protect his kingdom and to gain more power and strength.
Main achievements
King Henry VII worked well during his kingdom and got many achievements. His main achievements include union among his kingdom and people. He was willing to have union among his kingdom in order to avoid issues among his kingdom and also among the public.
When King Henry VII got charge then he ended the war immediately and started to bring calm and progress to the nation. He also worked well to make sure that the royal income could be increased. With his work he was able to get more financial resources for the royal family and the kingdom got rich.
King Henry VII made policies for the rule of law and made different types of policies to make sure that routine life could start and follow standard practices. He also started to build relations with other nations to make sure that he can have more power and more allies and more support. He started Tudor dynasty which lasted for a long time and gave a lot of benefits to the whole nation.
Happy on your blog sir with pride I say congratulations on this and many to come