So all the same, why is everything so bad around? There are a lot of companies, some services are provided, something is shamanized, done, sold, but everything is so bad around.
Well, probably all of us once got a job, but if not, try it, believe me, serious fun.
Our business is in the 18th century, so do not be surprised that they will look at you as if you were a slave. If you don’t know, then in the 18th century there was a panchina. And you came to settle in a pan. Reread Shevchenko, one to one today.
But the IT business is completely different, there are good salaries, adequate leadership, you say. Adequate management of our high-tech businesses have long lived in warm countries and just call the boys in places who think they are directors of cool companies.
We are not given and do not need to fix this. You do not need it first. Our business either goes or closes. Why do many miss the 90s? The competition was zero, and the population was intimidated and slaughtered.
Do you think people are freer now? I dare to reassure you, many workers are also ready to whip themselves, just to serve the pan. And here you are with your vision of the world, Western ideals.
No, you quit it forever. But it’s worth going through interviews, there will be something to remember, at the same time you’ll regret that you didn’t go to study as a psychiatrist, you could save many people from such “businessmen”.
Of course, we have adequate business, but only 20% of everything available on the market. But getting a job there, perhaps not with our luck.
The biggest problem for the business owner is the huge crown that can be seen from far away. And it’s absolutely not important that he earns less than the waste paper recipient near the pub, he will certainly straighten his crown and compare you with his stern look.
It comes to insanity when people come to work richer than the owner of the company. And this is, unfortunately, a fact.
So what to do? And try to start your own business yourself, and what essentially does not give you? Think, write a business plan for yourself, collect money and try it. Believe our economy, we need adequate people.