Jimmy Carter was born on 1st October, 1924. He is 39th president of the United States of America and he is also the longest living president of USA. He is 96 years old and he has accomplished many achievements in his life time. He worked in different departments on important posts in his professional career and set new records for others.
His good works are highly appreciated and he got a lot of fame and success in his life. During 1977 to 1981 Jimmy Carter was the president of USA and he served under this position and completed his tenure with success.
Department of energy
Jimmy Carter made the department of energy during his tenure as president. This department was very important and played key roles for success of country. Government support was given to the department of energy and many new projects were launched. As a result many new job opportunities were provided to people and a lot of research projects were completed.
Advancement in energy got a boom during this time and he was supporting this department as this was playing an important role for development of the whole nation. Jimmy Carter was aware of the importance of energy due to which he made a separate department and checked the progress. That department was working well and improved the progress with time due to which a lot of achievements were obtained in energy sector.
Department of education
Jimmy Carter made department of education during his tenure as president. He was aware that education is very important for progress so he focused on education department and helped the whole nation to get different types of professional skills. Many new institutes with many new courses and skills started during tenure of Jimmy Carter and many new professionals were made.
Government support was also provided to institutes and students to make sure that many people can complete their education and play their part for the progress of the whole nation. A lot of success was achieved by the education department during the tenure of Jimmy Carter and the education level of people was also improved.
Jimmy Carter had worked in many important positions and got a lot of experience and knowledge due to which he was sure that he can win the president elections. Before he was president, Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer and businessman. He delivered many speeches and got a lot of attention in media. His thoughts and plans for the whole nation were well admired and encouraged due to which his popularity was increased.
Jimmy Carter was getting popular and his chances of winning the president elections were increasing. He used his knowledge and experience and hard work to win the elections. However when he was successful as president then there was a tough time.
He tried to solve the issues and also got a lot of success however he was not able to win the elections the second term. He got one single term to serve as president of USA and lost the second time. However his great accomplishments were liked by many people. There were some errors in his working due to which he was not able to get second time success. Many of his projects are still working and giving benefits to the whole nation. Jimmy Carter the first U.S President born in hospital and the first presidential candidate from the Deep South to be elected since the Civil War.
During his term as the president, he helped make a historic peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for this dedication to human rights. He flew around the world to ensure free and fair elections.